Saturday, April 21, 2012


Since I just talked about Good Will Hunting, let's not discuss the movie that beat it out for best picture. 1997's best picture winner....Titanic 

1997: Titanic
Beat Out: As Good As It Gets, The Full Monty, Good Will Hunting and L.A. Confidential
Well-known quotes: "I'll never let go" "I'm the king of the world""I'm flying, Jack!"

Titanic is probably one of the most well-known and popular movies ever made. And I think that's awesome, because I think it's so popular for all the right reasons. The great directing, awesome special effects, sweeping love story, attractive Leonardo DiCaprio, beautiful Kate Winslet.


I find it hard to review this movie, because you can't deny that it is a great movie for a lot of reasons, but I do feel like it is over rated at times. Maybe it's just me and my preferences when it comes to movies. I prefer simple movies that I can relate to, but still have a great message. Titanic is a grand movie, telling a grand story about this horrible accident as well as the great sweeping love. It's awesome entertainment, don't get me wrong. But I find it hard to pick out parts or aspects that really got to me.

I find it really impressive, though, how if you watch the movie every once in a while, you can become completely engrossed in it again and again. I mean the movie is like 3 hours long... I'll never forget how when I was younger I was always so intrigued as to how the movie was on 2 VHS tapes. But it's weird, because every scene really is important. 

I don't mean to knock this movie, James Cameron did an amazing job. But it's definitely not my favorite movie, and there were other movies that I think I would have picked to win over this. But I feel like it's the kind of movie that people think HAS to win, because they see it as the epitome of a "best picture."

There were a few scenes that I thought stood out. First there was the captain's suicide. Such a powerful scene displaying the captain going down with his ship. This scene along with the band continuing to play as the ship goes down, really tugs on our heart strings. I think it's because it's showing people at their best, even in the face of a crisis. I love movies that display people as innately good and brave.  Like really though, try not to cry....

The above scene truly is amazing. I do believe that movie deserves all the praise and attention it has gotten over the years. So in the end I do think it deserved to win best picture. But in my own opinion, I prefer other types of movies to ones like this. But in the end, lets just listen to some Celine Dion...

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